- LSM Tree + SSTable
- PRIMARY KEY(PARTITION KEY, CLUSTERING KEY) Rows are spread across cluster on Partition Key, then ordered by Clustering Key
- Why Cassandra doesn’t need vector clocks
- Delete:
- a batch containing conditional updates can only operate within a single partition, because the underlying Paxos implementation only works at partition-level granularity
- Cassandra SSTable Storage Format
- The Missing Manual for Leveled Compaction Strategy (Wei Deng & Ryan Svihla, DataStax) | Cassandra Summit 2016
- when to use leveled compaction
- Each level ensures non-overlapping
- SizeTiered is better for write-intensive workloads, and Leveled better for read-intensive
Node repair 2.1
- Frequent data deletions and downed nodes are common causes of data inconsistency. Manual repair: Anti-entropy repair
- Parallel repair will only repair each token range ONCE. if you are using “nodetool repair -pr” you must run it on EVERY node in EVERY data center, no skipping allowed.